Sunday, July 18, 2010

Is a white or latina nanny good enough for my children?

I got a job offer and I am taking it! I will become a full-time working outside of the home mom for the first time in almost 9 years! Although I just wrote the rejection message last week, I have really been scrapping with it over the last year. Now that I have my acceptance --- I plan to move to the lessons that this phase of life offers and to soar with it! I am excited about the new work and making changes at home to accommodate.

For starters we are hiring a sitter/nanny for the girls. In fact, we interviewed several today. What a doozie of a duty that is! Selecting a person to care for your children, someone you will let into your home and personal life at such a close level. There is a lot of judging that goes on in the interview process --- as a parent I am judging the character, responsibility, reliability, sanity and compatibility of a potential sitter/nanny. What I really didn't realize is that the nannies are also judging me --They judge what type of employer I will be, am I nice, crazy, fair, reasonable, are my kids crazy? They also judge my house, car, friends --and from one of the applicants today I learned that the nannies talk to each other about their employers and if you are a bad, mean or crazy employer then all the other neighborhood nannies know. (Well, I'm no whozit and I really don't care what the other neighborhood nannies think of me what I do care is that whoever I hire needs to have a genuine respect for me and my privacy and a deep affection towards my kids!)

I don't like bringing this up either but the racial issue comes up for me in all of this. I would be most comfortable with a black sitter/nanny who shares my values. But I haven't come across many, so I am resolved that I must open up to the possibility that there may be a white or latina nanny who can do excellent at this job. This takes me back to my childhood babysitters.....I had a few and some made lasting positive impressions on me and poured great life lessons into my mind and heart. If I can at least provide that for my children and keep them safe --then it will be a job well done. Maybe the race doesn't matter? Maybe what matters most is the heart of the person and what they care to offer and learn in our exchange. This is a new adventure for me and I will certainly let you know where and how it all ends...for now I am going to continue looking --when the right person comes I know I will know.....

What do I know about figuring that out? I will follow my heart and be honest...I will also ask for some divine intervention too---

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