Thursday, July 8, 2010

Overcoming Rejection

I am job hunting now and rejection is part and parcel of the 'get-a-job' game. I am learning to harness rejection and claim it as a victory in faith.....It's a lesson to learn and to share with my girls too. I do believe it is wonderful to be a mother who is learning and seeking opportunities to pour into the lives of my children the richness from real life issues. Job hunting is a great challenge for most people these days and it certainly is for me too! But, I am willing to grow and get the rejection lesson that is on deck now.

I start from the top with these lessons --I go to the creator upstairs for guidance and focus on surrendering and responding to what God has already provided. This lesson on overcoming rejection starts with my being firmly established in who God says I am and what God has provided and His word about my past, present and future. That's difficult to remember at times when rejection smacks you down. It's easy to second guess, retreat or strike back at the rejection.....I am learning instead to take the rejection straight-up and speak back an encouraging word regarding my life that has greater authority than the rejection in front of me. As a mother this lesson has focused me on making sure that my girls know who God says they are; children of God, seated in heavenly places with Christ, heirs with Christ, more than conquerors and that we have the Holy Spirit, the Kingdom of God, the mind of Christ and that we will always triumph in Christ. Did you know? Now you know.....

Next I must continuously be consumed with my destiny and purpose in life. When I set my face to God's highest calling on my life, the rejections shrink, fall into perspective and give me peace and grace to press on knowing that God has plans to prosper me....Teaching my girls this is ongoing, as it is for me to live it. I pay attention to them, learn their strengths and try to see them and nurture the gifts that God has given. In time I know these things will be revealed to them as life unfolds...

Hey...just my weekly thoughts on being the Metropolitan Mom that I am! Continuously striving, pressing forward to finish this race with style, peace, grace in faith.


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